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About the FBE 1300C

Our versatile FBC expands your process efficiency exponentially. With your need for flexible operations in mind, we designed our combo series to feature top-spray and Wurster coating technology in one innovative machine. It’s a proven boost for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries.

Whether it’s for drying, top-spray granulation, Wurster coating, rotor-based drug layering or tangential spray processes, the FBE 1300C does it all – for batches up to 1,300 l.


Top-spray granulation, wet-mass drying, hot-melt granulation, tangential spray granulation, Wurster coating

Features Benefits

Precisely calculated and tested vent

Ensures operator and equipment safety in the event of pressure shock

The state-of-the-art twin-chamber filter bag shaking system

Helps achieve continuous fluidisation, via the largest possible filtration area 


Meanwhile, it consumes far less compressed air compared with blowback filter systems 


It’s also easier to handle and achieves better cleaning results

Product container with multiple air-distribution plates

Choose the air distribution that best suits your product

Customised charging, discharging and WIP (wash-in-place) systems available in standalone and granulation-train configurations

Efficient formulation processing, and easy washing

Features & Benefits

Precisely calculated and tested vent

Ensures operator and equipment safety in the event of pressure shock

The state-of-the-art twin-chamber filter bag shaking system

Helps achieve continuous fluidisation, via the largest possible filtration area 


Meanwhile, it consumes far less compressed air compared with blowback filter systems 


It’s also easier to handle and achieves better cleaning results

Product container with multiple air-distribution plates

Choose the air distribution that best suits your product

Customised charging, discharging and WIP (wash-in-place) systems available in standalone and granulation-train configurations

Efficient formulation processing, and easy washing

Technical specifications


Working volume*


Top-spray granulation

Wurster coating


335 l

130 l


1,288 l

835 l

            *Dependent on bulk density

Also Available In

Model Size / Capacity

3 l (Small scale)


0.75 l (Small scale)

GPCG 1.1

4.7 l (Small scale)

FBE 125C

125 l

FBE 250C

250 l

FBE 500C

500 l

FBE 800C

800 l

FBE 1300C

1,300 l

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