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About the FBE 250

The FBE series is our highly acclaimed range of fluid-bed machines, and is synonymous with excellent performance. Featuring technologies for drying and top-spray granulation, it’s a proven set-up for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical production.

Suitable for batches up to 250 l, FBE 250 is an ideal ‘in-one’ system for fluid-bed drying or top-spray granulation.


Top-spray granulation, wet-mass drying, hot-melt granulation

Features Benefits

Precisely calculated and practically tested vent

Ensures operator and equipment safety in the event of pressure-shock

A state-of-the-art filter bag shaking system

Covers the largest possible filtration area and consumes far less compressed air compared with blowback filter systems 


It’s also easier to handle and achieves better cleaning

Customised charging, discharging and WIP (wash-in-place) systems available in standalone and granulation-train configurations

Quick and easy formulation processing

21 CFR part 11-compliant PC control system

A regulatory-compliant, audit-friendly system

Features & Benefits

Precisely calculated and practically tested vent

Ensures operator and equipment safety in the event of pressure-shock

A state-of-the-art filter bag shaking system

Covers the largest possible filtration area and consumes far less compressed air compared with blowback filter systems 


It’s also easier to handle and achieves better cleaning

Customised charging, discharging and WIP (wash-in-place) systems available in standalone and granulation-train configurations

Quick and easy formulation processing

21 CFR part 11-compliant PC control system

A regulatory-compliant, audit-friendly system

Technical specifications

Working volume*Min70 l
Max344 l

            *Dependent on bulk density

Also Available In

Model Size / Capacity
FBE 125

125 l

FBE 250

250 l

FBE 500

500 l

FBE 800

800 l

FBE 1300

1,300 l

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